March 28th, 2025

Could seats from The Arena go to Athletic Park?

By medicinehatnews on August 22, 2019.

I attended a Medicine Hat Mavericks game recently, with the wife, granddaughter, her husband and the two great grandchildren. It was a warm evening and we found our way to the bleacher seats near the top on the third base side. 

As the game progressed the seats seemed to get harder – what can get harder than a metal covered plank? At the end of the seventh inning my body (rear end) had about as much as it could handle so we left for home. The Mavericks were up 9-0 at that point so the game was well in hand.

During the game it occurred to me that within a year or two the seating at The Arena would be removed and likely sold by the new owners. My question: Would it be possible to repurpose the seating from The Arena and re-install some of the seating at Athletic Park and/or at some of the other venues in our city?

Maybe someone with a little more talent or know how could start a web presence, called something like #endsorebuttsatathleticpark. 

Comments and ideas could be gathered/sought to see if this would be a feasible project. Your thoughts?

A.J. “Tony” Giesinger
Medicine Hat

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5 years ago

That’s an excellent idea Tony. Approach the company that purchased the arena. Perhaps they would donate some. The only problem I can think occurring would be if UV inhibitors were added when manufactured. Otherwise, they could become brittle in a few years being in an outdoor environment.