March 28th, 2025

Listening is key to providing good government

By Letter to the Editor on July 8, 2019.

Dear Mr. Kenney

Your job is to provide good government.

It apparent that this requirement is not known to you. It is revolting that something this simple must be told to you.

Good government is making the best decisions by weighting and the pros and cons of information provide. This information is often brought up in the legislator and it is provided for the government to consider. To provide good government your job is to listen and gain from the information offered.

You do not put earplugs in your ears nor do you advise members of your government do so. Your job is to hear what they have to say.

Yours and your party’s contempt for the opposition is appalling and unacceptable. It indicates your unworthiness to govern. You and your parties’ members are no better than the bullies in the playground. You haven’t enough appeal to be class president of a kindergarten class.

Since you are bound and determined dishonour an agreed upon contract with public employees to fix the economy on their backs, did you refund the portions of your pay when you decided to walk off the job and boycott the legislature in the last session? If you were my employee, I would have fired you on breach of duty.

If you in fact did not reimburse the public purse when you were not working what gives you iniquitous power to not pay people who have already done their bit to help with the economy?

Successive governments of the U.S. have used its power to make the very rich richer by policies that you propose. This not the Canada I want to live in. I expect you to ensure that this does not happen.

Mike Beaton

Medicine Hat

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