March 28th, 2025

Childish antics and name-calling getting old

By Letter to the Editor on July 5, 2019.

I was appalled to see Premier Jason Kenney pull his recent earplug stunt during a rather important debate earlier – but I can’t say I’m surprised. The childish antics of this man have been on display for years. 

I am just as appalled, and yet still not surprised at all, to see that hypocrisy is alive and well. Had this been Rachel Notley, or God forbid Justin Trudeau, the conservative commentators would have been calling for an old-fashioned hanging. Instead I read things like: “Get over it! It was a joke!” or “Way to stick it to the dumb NDP and their idiot supporters.” Bear in mind here that I have left out a few choice expletives that accompanied these phrases.

The childish antics are getting old. The name-calling is also getting old. Furthermore, if supporting a party that truly had our citizens’ best interest at heart makes me an “idiot” then I will gladly hold that title. All this premier cares about is stripping human rights and lining corporate pockets.

Travis Boser

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

You really have to wonder why Albertans are so easily fooled by these Liberals, turned Reformers, pretending to be Conservatives. It’s no wonder we are in this “Horrific Mess” as Peter Lougheed called it. We watched Klein do it and when Notley proved she cared about the well being of the people they voted her out, and now we all get to watch our property taxes skyrocket, and people lose their jobs while Kenney makes his rich friends a lot richer at our expense and these fools aren’t smart enough to understand it.