March 20th, 2025

Rights of the conceived human life ignored

By Letter to the Editor on June 28, 2019.

Re: “I swore I’d never write about this topic again,” June 3

Dr. Gifford Jones, he defended the right of a woman to control her own body including her right to abortion.

He completely ignored the rights of the newly conceived human life which surely has the basic human right to life ordained by God. He neglected to say although this new life resides in the mother’s womb, he or she is not part of the woman’s body and God has a purpose for every human life.

But some will say that developing baby is not human. Well, consider these facts: In the beginning, God said everything would reproduce after its own kind – and this is what observation and science through the years has experienced: Human beings can only reproduce human beings.

Now consider these facts of the developing child:

– At 18 days after conception, the baby’s heart beats

– At 42 days, brain waves are detected

– At 52 days, the baby yawns and hiccups

– At eight weeks, all of the baby’s organs function

– At nine weeks, the baby has fingerprints

– At 10 weeks, the baby feels pain

– At 12 weeks, the baby smiles

In the gospel of Luke, we find Elizabeth’s baby leapt in her womb when the Virgin Mary, now pregnant, visited her.

In Chapter 2, we find the Virgin Mary was great with child.

The results of abortion: Dead babies. A few have survived. But what of the mothers who aborted? Joy, peace, health? No. Many realize after an abortion ‘I have killed by baby! Why did I left myself be pressured into an abortion?’ Many get depressed, some commit suicide.

There are good options to abortion. Here in Medicine Hat the Nurture Centre offers counsel and care, both during and after pregnancy. Now there are thousands of women who long for a baby, so by giving birth, you save yourself the trauma of abortion, have the joy of bringing forth precious life and fulfilling the dream of a family having a baby to love and cherish.

Once more, let me assure you God, our creator, loves you and longs to forgive you totally. He is able to do this because the Lord Jesus Christ paid the full price of the world’s sin on the cross and if we confess our sin, God is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Rev. Canon Ivor Ottrey

Medicine Hat

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5 years ago

Your so-called facts are so far off base they’re absolutely, insanely, ridiculous. Normally it’s entertaining when the religious try wading into a discussion of science and biology, but this is just plain sad. Read a book that isn’t a fairy tale for once, or find more gullible folks in Turks & Caicos.

5 years ago
Reply to  banjokaz

Your so-called facts are so dead on that I couldn’t help but laugh. You should go see the movie Unplanned when it finally opens in Canada. I’m sure there will be some facts in that story.

5 years ago
Reply to  banjokaz

There is little point on you presenting a “rebuttal” if you’re not prepared to tell us which facts are off base.

5 years ago

“Unplanned” is based on a memoir and is just one woman’s personal experience. If you want FACTUAL information you might want to try speaking with a medical professional, biologist, or anyone else that has actually researched and been educated on the matter, not just a random person off the street, or the reverend here. Opinions and facts are not the same thing.

5 years ago
Reply to  banjokaz

Unplanned isn’t the story of a random person off the street. It’s the story of an official with Planned Parenthood who realized violence and killing babies was unethical. This lady became a civil rights activist for Pro-Life.