March 20th, 2025

Proposed superlab cancelled, what the plan now?

By Letter to the Editor on June 26, 2019.

Here we go again like listening to Lawrence Welk on a 78rpm record. Premier Jason Kenney and the Tories have cancelled the proposed medical superlab in Edmonton. Do they have a plan for its replacement? Nada.

The previous Tory government plan was to assign lab services to a private Australian company. If we remember a little more than four years ago we found out that Australians love Tim Horton’s cookies (biscuits). So instead of a super lab maybe we could have a Tim’s cookie outlet.

As well as handing out ear defenders, Kenney should hand out eye blinds and duct tape so the Tories can be on a par with the three wise monkeys.

John Beaven

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

I’m sure the seniors who voted for Jason Kenney must feel proud that they got what they wanted. Another Ralph Klein making an ass of himself while he promises to give away the people’s wealth and force them into paying for a lot more privatization, just like Klein did. Kenney has made it crystal clear that he has no intention of creating jobs for the people, only cutting them, just like Klein did

While these ignorant Albertans go around pretending what great Conservatives they are and call anyone who isn’t as dumb as them a Traitor, a Communist, a Left-wing-nut,or a Closet Liberal. I’ve been called all of them plus , a new one in another newspaper last winter “A Socialist -Liberal, yet they are the fools supporting well known Liberals, pretending to be Conservatives, but have never been a true Conservative, just like Klein was and Kenney is.

Some of us still remember the fools who told us that it was wonderful how Ralph Klein was getting rid of all those highly overpaid doctors, nurses and teachers , then whined about how hard it was to get the medical attention they needed in a timely manner. We have still never fully recovered from what Klein did , and now they want more of the same., apparently too dumb to understand what it could cost them . I’m betting it will cost some of them their lives , just like it did with Klein. As a retired doctor friend says they had better have deep pockets to pay for what Kenney is planning for them. I think he’s right.

Sadly they have taken all of us with them .

5 years ago

Man has it been nice the last few weeks. Are you done being a drain on our health system again for awhile?

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Thanks yomouse for helping me make my point. You sound just like some of the fools who attacked those of us who were trying to put a stop to what Ralph Klein was doing to this province, and some of them were relatives of Klein’s and knew he had to be stopped. Does it make you feel like a big man calling yourself a Conservative while you support anyone who attaches the word conservative to their name , even when they are well known Liberals, and believes every lie they feed you? Where were you when Peter Lougheed was collecting proper Royalties, taxes, and health care premiums and running this province properly? You didn’t see him making an ass of himself in the Legislature like Klein did and Kenney is doing did you? He treated everyone with dignity and respect.

Maybe you would like to give us poor uninformed seniors a list of all the wonderful things Ralph Klein did for us and how Kenney is going to make things so much better. I know you can’t . Nothing he’s promised is going to help get this province out of the mess it’s in and is only going to take a lot more money out of our pockets, but apparently you love having the highest cost of living in Canada while Alaska and Norway are enjoying what their oil wealth brings. It could have been ours, as those of us , who had ties to the oil industry know. Too bad you were so willing to give it all away. Unlike you I know that a lot of our low income seniors are going to be in a worse mess and I do care about them. Friends volunteering at the food banks certainly know it and so do the retired church ministers we talk to Too bad you don’t give a damn about them..

5 years ago

Easy, Al, you’re going to blow a gasket and end up draining our great health system that Klein built some more. I figured you would have a lot of pent of vitriol over the last couple of weeks.

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