March 20th, 2025

Ear plug stunt ‘childish’

By Letter to the Editor on June 26, 2019.

II see our politicians are at it again, acting like little children not getting their own way.

Mr. Kenney showed his true colours early by leading his primary class in a protest against what? Something he doesn’t want to hear? And certainly he doesn’t want his sycophants to hear it either. He did his best Oprah impersonation standing in the hallway saying, “Ear plugs for you and you and you. Everybody gets ear plugs.” For a seasoned politician that now is premier, he shows his complete lack of respect and fair play in our parliamentary system. For him to initiate this action is even further disgusting.

He is saying to his flock that it’s OK not to hear anything except the sound of his voice. They don’t like opposition, so they plug their ears and pretend they are the only ones who have anything to say. I have the image of a five-year-old standing in a room while his mother scolds him for a misdemeanor with his hands on his ears saying, “lalalalalalalalal.” How childish!

You have a majority, Mr. Kenney. Your bills will all get passed. Must you bully those who oppose you and make fun of them? The answer is obviously, yes. Welcome to Trumpism, Alberta. This behaviour makes Alberta look ridiculous to the rest of Canada. Not something to be proud of.

Interesting to note that when this article appeared on the front page, further on in the paper was a headline that read “Kenney wants to hear from government panel” How ironic! You can’t have it both ways, sir.

Tom Rooke

Medicine Hat

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