March 20th, 2025

Citizens deserve peace, quiet and safety

By Letter to the Editor on June 26, 2019.

Medicine Hat is rapidly becoming a third world country like those in Central America, where thieves and thugs ruin our streets. The brain-dead drug users, dealers and criminal thieves have more rights than we as taxpayers, who worked hard in order to have a comfortable retirement.

Now we are being forced because of these problems to move from downtown and spend more money to live. We are moving and will have to spend $2,400 more per year to survive, plus a $550 moving cost. Also, my property taxes where my ex-wife lives have increased more than 25 per cent in the last five years.

The city has spent millions to spruce up the downtown, only to allow these undesirables to hang around. This is hurting the businesses, who pay high taxes, and they have a harder time to survive.

I have heard fewer people want to go downtown. Just look at all the closed businesses and stores.

It is extremely sad that we have a legal system, but not a justice system to deal with this problem of thugs and thieves loitering during the day and thieving during the night.

I have a suggestion: The police and city fathers know who these drug users, drug dealers and loiterers are. I suggest they should all be gathered up and shipped to a labour camp in the north where they can learn how to fight forest fires, as the fire danger is becoming worse. This is nothing compared to the labour camps during the Great Depression.

This city belongs to the hard-working population who built it and deserve to live in peace and safety.

I understand the bleeding hearts and the legalese will not like this solution, and I say ship them out too.

I grew up in a family of 12 and we worked hard to survive by doing all kinds of work. I paid for my high school clothes and put myself through university. So do not give me the excuse that these people are not to blame. They could be working and become decent citizens.

I deserve peace and quiet and safety of property. We need action now!

James Stearns

Medicine Hat

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mr black
mr black
5 years ago

Good luck with that James, our cops are amongst the laziest in the nation. I too live downtown and a few years ago thugs broke into my truck and stole a brand new stereo system. I called the cops and there exact words to me were “What do you expect us to do?” I said, how bout your jobs. They said, sorry, we can’t get involved, call your insurance.

One hour later the cops called me and said, great news Mr black, one of your neighbors had their car broken into, so we will now investigate. Give me a frickin break I said, so this is a two for one deal then? I have never in my life seen lazy cops like we have in the Hat!