March 20th, 2025

Another example of ‘knee-jerk thinking’ from council

By Letter to the Editor on May 18, 2019.

The recent announcement of the city councillors not attending the FMC meeting in Quebec I feel is just another example of the council doing “knee-jerk thinking.”

I understand the desire to not patronize an area you have a disagreement with but there should have been more thought and discussion concerning this action. This is not a case were the council was going on a retreat but was a national venue where they could have lobbied for the concerns of Alberta. I am confused if this was such a concern why council did not approach other municipalities in advance to form a strong front.

Too often when they are questioned about why a particular decision was made councillors reply without hard facts, just feelings. For example, how much effort would it have taken to assess the cost of arbitration with the police contract instead of simply saying it would have cost a lot more to arbitrate.

I respect the council members for stepping up to represent the city but just ask they work more on strategy.

Alan Rose

Medicine Hat

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5 years ago

Agree with council’s actions completely. This magical lobby you refer to would have fallen on deaf ears, and the trip would just be a waste of money.

mr black
mr black
5 years ago

I don’t always agree with the councilors but on this subject I do. Had it been the other way around, the whole province of quebec would not show up and Alberta would have to pay them 28 million dollars.