March 20th, 2025

Climate control, then and now

By Letter to the Editor on May 10, 2019.

History tells us that in many pagan cultures women and children were sacrificed to their gods with the intent of ensuring good weather and good harvests. Even in medieval Europe, innocent people were burned at the stake for allegedly having supernatural powers causing plagues, starvation and various other societal woes. It seems abhorrent today that such barbaric atrocities were inflicted on the weakest by those in control, with the vain and futile belief of controlling nature.

But the more that time passes, the more things remain the same. Today, the modern pagan priests are “Big Green” politicians and deluded eco-activists, imposing their will on society. Both are financially supported by agenda-driven billionaire foundations and virtue-signalling corporations. And although the common man is no longer burned at the stake, we are once again punished on the altar of climate religion.

In order to understand today’s climate change movement we have to go back to its origins in 1968 where it began with a group called the Club of Rome. It was a motley group of authors, politicians and assorted ideologues who believed that global governance and wealth redistribution was necessary to save humanity from itself. One of its key drivers was our own Maurice Strong, a Liberal friend and associate of Pierre Trudeau. This gang decided that in order to have political leverage over the world’s masses an age-old tool, fear, would be the weapon of choice.

A new branch of the Unired Nations, who’s acronym is IPCC, was created to be the organizational hub of a man-made global warming fear campaign. Soon after, because Earth’s warming was disappointingly slow, a different term was chosen – climate change. Although this newly named fear was purely speculative, at least now any serious weather calamity could and would be attributed to humans’ use of fossil fuels without the awkward inconvenience of having to explain away the lack of global heating!

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau embraced this fashionable political crusade, masquerading as science, for it suited his shallow style perfectly. Catherine McKenna, his hapless environment minister, the scientific luminary that she is (not), insists that every damaging climate event is human caused! And if we can’t agree with her irrational conclusions, she has clearly stated that she has no time for us.

So this is where we are now. Anyone who questions this official climate dogma, is vilified, ostracized or even worse if employed in government. As the French philosopher Voltaire so aptly put it: “It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong.”

Lynn Thacker

Bow Island, Alta.

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5 years ago

What’s it like parading around in a tinfoil sombrero?