March 20th, 2025

Supervised consumption site is needed downtown

By Letter to the Editor on May 8, 2019.

It saddens me that the supervised consumption site in Medicine Hat is having so much trouble with community support. Now with the change in government there is even more resistance from our MLAs. The longer it takes for a supervised consumption site to open the more people die.

People often want more programs for addicts. A supervised consumption site is a program that works well and it doesn’t enable people. The people are using the drugs anyway. People are confusing enabling with keeping users alive.

Only those who are alive can be helped, you can not help dead people. This is why we need a supervised consumption site where it currently is.

I can’t say it any clearer.

Diane MacNaughton

Medicine Hat

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5 years ago

Yaaay, Diane just volunteered her backyard, let us know how that works out for ya.