March 21st, 2025

Money designs stand up for human rights

By Letter to the Editor on May 4, 2019.

A recent Ticked Off and Tickled Pink comment read: “With a Canadian loonie design that goes against my beliefs and morals. I don’t flaunt my race, religion or my sexual orientation to all the people that I see in this world.”

At first, I thought our currency should be non-political. It should never represent a level or segment of society.

And then I thought when will the loonie that represents people with disabilities be launched? My second thought was our currency is and always has been full of politicians and many that I did not agree with. Many of the political figures on our currency impacted my life more than the LGBTQ community ever will. And while I am not from the LGBTQ community, I am part of the disability community and feel first hand the level of discrimination some people feels towards segments of society they may not agree with.

I was talking with The Disability Advocate on May 1 and the one thing we talked about was throughout history, it’s like some part of society has and always will need someone to hate.

I wonder how your feeling is about have Canada’s human rights icon Viola Desmond on the new $10 bill, because that banknote was voted as best banknote in the world for 2019.

It would be very hypocritical to be proud of our human rights banknote and not stand up for the human rights it represents, including the LGBTQ community.

Les Landry,

Redcliff, Alta.

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