March 20th, 2025

God has standards which much of society fails to recognize

By Letter to the Editor on May 4, 2019.

Michael Plait was right about one thing in his April 5 letter: The UCP has no direct connection to Jesus’s ministry. Neither do other political parties.

I think that Jesus’s ministry is often misunderstood. His universal acceptance of people does not imply a blanket approval.

Jesus recognized sin, hence his atoning sacrifice and the help He gives in overcoming it. His forgiving grace is available to all but is received only by those who accept it. Jesus also warned of the dire consrequences of unrepented sin.

God still has standards which much of society woefully fails even to recognize. Pointing this out too often leads to charges of hatred, which it usually is not. One can abhor sin without hating the sinner.

Unpopular truths sometimes need to be told, politically correct or not.

Charmaine Wood

Irvine, Alta.

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