March 20th, 2025

Celebrating death in Canada?

By Letter to the Editor on May 4, 2019.

Almost 75 years ago the Allied forces invaded Normandy with the intent of freeing Europe from the grasp of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, the Nazis.

In less than six months the Allies discovered the death camps, where literally millions of souls were murdered because they did not fit the ideal of human nature as desired by the Nazis.

Here we are 75 years later celebrating the death dealt out by the health industry of 7,000 Canadians. Hitler must be laughing his head off.

Ian Parkinson

Medicine Hat

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5 years ago

Mr. Parkinson… are such a fool. You have absolutely no idea what the MAID program is about, The Health Industry has not dealt out any death and no body is celebrating the death of people choosing to use this method of ending their life. You sir, and I use the word sir loosely, really should try to educate yourself about MAID. And to compare it to what happened during WW2 just shows how unintelligent you are.