March 20th, 2025

Jesus Christ created all things

By Letter to the Editor on May 2, 2019.

Two letters recently took issue with the truth and accuracy of God’s word: That the six days of creation were much longer. Evolutionists, I believe, say more like 4.8 billion years. That is very strange because such time cannot be measured back to creation. Science depends upon repetition and testing but this cannot be possible.

In Genesis, we read that the evening and the morning were the first day – obviously a 24-hour day and so on for six days. God rested on the seventh day.

Now the word for ‘day’ in creation is the same word used for the ‘seventh day.’ In the commandment to keep it holy … obviously it meant 24-hour day, otherwise the Sabbath would be thousands of years long, since many declare the word ‘day’ in Genesis meant thousands of years.

Similarly, Joshua would be very old and tired after he had marched around Jericho for seven days. The same word for ‘day’ is used each time.

Although knowledge has increased dramatically, our knowledge, wisdom and power is minute compared to God’s knowledge, wisdom and power.

Notice when Jesus Christ multiplied two small fish and five barley loaves, he did it immediately. The same when he produces food for 4,000.

But is creation billions of years old or just around 6,000? Well, the Bible gives us a genealogy from Jesus all the way back to Adam and Eve … 4,000 years plus 2,000 since, equalling 6,000.

Now Jesus, who is truth, who was there at the beginning, declared from the beginning God created them male and female, and of course Adam and Eve did not evolve from any lower being.

It is interesting also that there is no history older than the 6,000 years beginning in creation.

It takes more faith to believe all creation happened by chance with no designer nor maker than to believe an almighty, all wise, all powerful loving God who has revealed himself in creation, in his word the Bible and the Lord Jesus Christ created all things.

Rev. Canon Ivor Ottrey

Medicine Hat

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5 years ago

Exactly. Just how the easter bunny created all chocolate, and Santa creates all toys. That’s how you sound. Your lack of education and awareness regarding history past 6000 years doesn’t not equate to it not existing. Read a book that isn’t a fairy tale. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, but no one gets to make up their own facts with no evidence or logic and spread it around like it’s real.

Les Landry
Les Landry
5 years ago
Reply to  banjokaz

And can someone please explain to the children in poverty, “Why does Santa take more presents to the rich kids?”