March 19th, 2025

Population should demand better of Liberals

By Letter to the Editor on April 11, 2019.

The unfolding acts in the current Ottawa drama – SNC-Lavalin – are revealing and disturbing. Canadian taxpayers are paying millions to have 338 Members of Parliament and 100 senators earn a livelihood in the top two percentiles of Canadian incomes and then to observe their conduct as if they are the worst dregs of our society.

Apparently rules are for other Canadians, and conduct with integrity, what is that for our politicians? When a minister of the crown, Jody Wilson-Raybould follows the rules and protocol, she is panned as inadequate for her job and for her hidden native agenda. She cautions a minion, like Michael Wernick, the once Clerk of the Privy Council, that his arguments for the prime minister are beyond acceptable boundaries of her position and they would be political interference in the process. She did not accede, then she will have to pay the price.

Liberal MPs, mainly men, are now in full attack mode. Wilson-Raybould and her supporter Jane Philpott are unfit to be in the Liberal caucus. They will have to be purged. What is the message, honest, credible politicians like these two women must be kicked out of caucus for they have challenged the prime minister’s preference for SNC? She also legally taped a highly-explosive conversation to have evidence against lying men; therefore, she apparently has no honour. Are these attack dogs honourable men?

To discredit this woman for not caving to the prime minister’s bias, two additional items were leaked to the press to portray her with her own agenda. She proposed that Glenn Joyal, a jurist from Manitoba, be appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada so that a fellow Indigenous judge allegedly could be appointed to the Manitoba higher court. The prime minister ignored her advice and appointed an Albertan. Gerald Butts, the prime minister’s once principal secretary, filed that Wilson-Raybould argued that her removal from justice would have consequences with the Indigenous people. These so-called Liberal male feminists can’t seem to work with females as their equals.

If this way is how our country is governed, then we are in serious trouble. Our rules and procedures for governing are secondary to politics. The country be damned. And, this kind of happening is not limited to a single party.

We, Canadians, either tolerate this conduct, or we do what has to be done. That is why we have elections. We should hold all our elected representatives at the three levels of government to the highest standards of performance. If they fail, then out they go. We also fail when we ignore reality, and we continue to elect or re-elect these misfits. Our system of governance will only improve if the population demands better, and acts if better does not happen.

Larry Samcoe

Medicine Hat

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