March 19th, 2025

Science behind climate change is settled and it’s voluminous and clear

By Letter to the Editor on March 30, 2019.

Re: “Moderate conservatives are still around,” March 21

Leath Johnson makes a pretty good start at presenting himself as a moderate and informed conservative. The whole edifice he constructs comes tumbling down quickly when he uses the word pseudoscience. There is no doubt in my mind he is talking about global climate change and is using a word he picked up on Facebook.

What is clear is that he isn’t actually interested in the science because the science of climate change is settled, voluminous and clear. There is no agenda to science; science is simply disproving what others believe to be true by presenting empirical evidence, a process of displacing the last explanation (theory) with a better one. It is unfortunate that the oil industry has funded a lot of pseudoscience to try to obfuscate the clear and incontrovertible evidence of climate change.

At this juncture, where the evidence is overwhelmingly clear they have started to fund a new Maginot Line for the stupid, i.e .”no one knows what will happen.”We do know what will happen. It is again, clear and simple science.

We live in a world where getting information is easy and getting good information is even easier. Yet people refuse to learn or even attempt to learn the truth, preferring the feed of their Facebook friends who are as prejudiced and unwilling to learn as themselves. Does Mr. Johnston also think that vaccines are pseudoscience? I can only imagine he does because he cannot grasp the clear incontrovertible scientific evidence we have amassed for the use of vaccines. So instead of accepting the challenge of minimizing our impact and leaving the world a place in which our children can survive and prosper, Johnston adds his voice to the pseudoscience crowd of Facebook fools who run after the retreating water as the tsunami approaches.

Brian Latimer

Medicine Hat

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