March 19th, 2025

Alberta can’t afford another Liberal turned Reformer in Kenney

By Letter to the Editor on March 25, 2019.

After watching what Ralph Klein did to this province using Reform Party policies we know we can’t afford another Liberal turned Reformer in Jason Kenney.

I will never forget the nurses bawling their eyes out, in my office, when Klein destroyed their careers. Nor will I forget the doctor with tears streaming down his face who told me he had six patients who desperately needed to be in a hospital and he couldn’t even get one in because of what Klein had done.

Now retired doctors are stating that Kenney’s plans for a lot more privatization of health care will be a disaster. Rural Albertans will lose their health care services. Doctors and nurses won’t remain in rural Alberta if they can make a lot more money working in the private-for-profit hospitals and clinics, in the cities, his plan will create, and how many hospitals does he plan to sell off, like Klein did?

Now former leader of the Wildrose Party Brian Jean confirms what we already knew: “Kenney is selling a fiscal fairy tale.” We know there is nothing Kenney is promising that won’t make our situation a lot worse.

Those of us from the world of finance know you can’t fix this mess we are in without spending billions like Notley is doing and you certainly aren’t going to repay this huge debt that it’s creating without increasing taxes and royalties back up to the Lougheed levels, like Notley is trying to do, while Kenney hurls his sarcastic comments at her for trying.

Maybe Kenney and his supporters should pay heed to the article that appeared on television and in newspapers before the last election: “Daughter of former Alberta premier Ralph Klein supports NDP in upcoming election.”

Not only does Angie confirm that her father was a Liberal, she admits that, like many of us true conservatives, she was also trying to vote him out of office knowing what a disaster his flat tax has been for this province.

Alan K. Spiller


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