March 19th, 2025

Main beef is with the courts and Canadian laws

By Letter to the Editor on March 13, 2019.

Re: “Outraged by treatment of Khadr,” Feb. 9

Shawna Robinson should have read my letter about Omar Khadr more carefully before criticizing it. Then maybe she would have understood it.

I was not assigning blame when referring to his problems with the federal government, although a suspicious person could have thought so. I was merely introducing a topic which has been in the news.

Mr. Khadr has requested to travel to Saudi Arabia and why not? His prison term must surely have been served by now. If he is getting on with his life, good for him. It’s time, and he certainly can afford it better than most. Much better.

His race and religion are irrelevant to me and had no bearing on what I wrote.

Unfortunately there are many misguided people in our society who are determined to find racism, and many other ‘-isms’, even where these do not exist.

My main beef is with the courts and/or Canadian laws which permit settlements that I think are vastly overpriced. Mr. Khadr’s was not the first such case and it won’t be the last. How many more of these extravagances can Canada (i.e. the taxpayer) afford?

How many millions does a litigant really need? Or deserve? Reasonable limits are needed.

Charmaine Wood

Irvine, Alta.

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