March 19th, 2025

Send a clear carbon tax message to Ottawa and Edmonton

By Letter to the Editor on March 5, 2019.

Re: “Follow the global warming science,” Feb. 8

I was very glad to see the letter submitted by Lynn Thacker concerning climate change and ice ages. I too have been thinking about the ice ages that the northern hemisphere has experienced. I would definitely call that climate change and have been wondering what caused them.

I Googled them and found out the Earth has a slight wobble as it spins and as it wobbles one pole or the other is exposed to more direct sun light. These wobbles occur over thousands of years and the belief is when they favour the south pole the oceans warm as they are doing now which melts the ice at and around the poles. This creates the conditions needed to trigger a ice age. More evaporation, more rain and snow, cooler summers that fail to melt this extra snow let it build up over thousands of years until it becomes thousands of feet deep and covers most of the northern hemisphere.

Now that is climate change and has nothing to do with carbon emissions. Wake up people and send a clear message to Ottawa and our Premier Rachel Notley that we don’t want there carbon tax shoved down our throats.

Dave Thompson

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
6 years ago

Another likely senior denier who doesn’t get it, and doesn’t want to try. He prefers to ignore the 97 percent of scientists that believe it in favor of the 3 percent that don’t because that’s what he wants to hear. As some of my friends are saying “What’s wrong with trying to do something about our pollution when oilmen are telling us that if we don’t our children are going to face massive lawsuits down the road”.

If the NDP are elected in Saskatchewan in the next election I’m betting we are going to see it happen. I was in Saskatchewan a few years ago and there was an article in one of the newspapers where the NDP were urging the Brad Wall government to start legal action against Alberta over the pollution drifting into that province. Oilmen tell me a study done in 2006 proved that our pollution was damaging water and soil in Saskatchewan and Manitoba , so why wouldn’t they sue us?

The oilmen also told me to pull up and read this study ” Study says Alberta oilsands could eventually acidify area the size of Germany”.While Peter Lougheed urged the Klein and Stelmach governments to slow down the growth of the oilsands and get control of the pollution they refused to listen and now we have these deniers refusing to try to help us to do something about it also.