March 19th, 2025

Climate alarmism abuses science

By Letter to the Editor on February 25, 2019.

Those of us who have observed global warming concern ramp up over time to near climate hysteria, are noticing a disturbing pattern. Although the climate industry always claims to have science on its side, it often chooses instead to use misrepresentations, exaggerations and outright lies to force this manufactured crisis onto society.

One has to question, if their climate change science is so convincing, then why the need to resort to such tactics? Why for example is the alleged culprit, man-made CO2, referred to as “carbon?” Obviously they want us to think of something black and dirty like elemental carbon rather than the harmless, odourless, invisible gas which it is. CO2 is actually a miracle gas required by all life for existence. It would be equally bizarre to refer to water (H2O) as “hydrogen” just because there are two hydrogen atoms in the water molecule. Their perversion of simple chemistry is an affront to the public’s intelligence!

The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a branch of the UN, was created to orchestrate the global science research of the looming warming crisis. Tellingly, it was mandated to investigate only anthropogenic (man-made) effects, ignoring the myriad powerful natural forces that, without any human input, have created our planet’s extreme climate since the beginning of time.

One of IPCC’s research papers was responsible for the iconic “hockey stick” graph which pretended to show 1,000 years of stable world temperatures followed by a dramatic warming in modern times. It was soon discredited as another example of rigged science but not before the likes of Al Gore were able to use it to their fear-mongering advantage.

In another example, a group of high-ranking IPCC scientists promoting man-made climate apocalypse were caught hiding, manipulating and deleting data to prevent other scientists from checking their work. It came to be called the “Climategate” scandal. And IPCC’s climate modelling effort which claims to predict climate heating for the next century continues to dramatically overestimate the actual world temperature increase for the last couple of decades with little acknowledgement of their mistakes.

It’s difficult for rational, thinking people to buy into climate change hysterics when junk science is used to sell it.

Lynn Thacker

Bow Island

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6 years ago

I don’t know why the paper prints such unsubstantiated nonsense, even labeled as opinion. Everyone has one, some less educated than others.
Since you didn’t back any of your claims in any way, I’ll just say this: they refer to it as carbon, as it’s the portion of CO2 that’s actually problematic. Oxygen is just a binding element, helpful in removing carbon from our systems, hence why it’s exhaled. You call it a miracle gas, ridiculously. Try breathing it and see how it goes. It’s helpful for plants as it’s necessary for photosynthesis(they require oxygen just as we do otherwise), but with the insane proliferation of us expelling more of the stuff into the air, and simultaneously deforesting the planet limiting it’s ability to mitigate the exponential increase, and you have a greenhouse gas nightmare raising temperatures globally.
Perhaps go back to elementary school science classes if you want to better understand climate change.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
6 years ago

I’m betting Thacker is a senior because it’s only our fellow seniors my friends and I hear spouting these ridiculous comments. banjokaz is absolutely right, and I think the university professors that some of us have talked to about it have it right also. These seniors are cowards and can’t handle the truth. It scares them so badly that they stick their heads in the sand and pretend it’s not happening. The only person they’re fooling is themselves and that’s what they want..

Apparently they didn’t learn in school that warm air rises, the warmer it is the more moisture it cares with it and the worse the storms are when it comes back down. While they watch these massive storms and the billions of dollars they are costing us, along with people’s lives they pretend they aren’t happening, and Jason Kenney and his ignorant followers don’t think we should be trying to do something about them. The oilmen in the Edmonton area that I associate with certainly support the Carbon Tax to try to do something. It been proven for years around the world, including B.C. that it works, and Kenney doesn’t want you to know that. He claims it’s a made in Canada Tax, by Trudeau and Notley designed to steal our money. Most people aren’t buying his lies and are asking if this Carbon Tax is going to financially destroy us why does he support all the idiotic fees that the Klein government added to our power and gas bills with deregulation, to help make their rich friends a lot richer. A former Direct Energy employee recently pointed out to us that their Lucky Penny campaign to buy your business with a 1 cent charge for power over two months, isn’t about the power, it’s about all the fees it will bring them, and we are sure he’s right. They make far more off the fees, thank’s to Klein. Yet we still hear these ignorant seniors singing his praises, too dumb to understand what he did to us.