March 19th, 2025

Snow-free pathways a wise investment

By Letter to the Editor on February 14, 2019.

The other day I biked from Southridge to River Heights using city pathways for the most part. Aside from a treacherous stretch in Ajax Coulee, the paths had been meticulously cleared and were free of ice.

I have lived in places where city pathways have not been cleared, the result being that people do not get outside and exercise as much. Ultimately, people are healthier when they get out for regular exercise. In the long run, surely this leads to far fewer tax dollars spent on health care. So in the big picture, spending money clearing paths would seem a wise investment.

Thanks to the city for clearing most of our paths, and if you have a local pathway that is not clear, contact your municipal representatives to make it so.

John Whidden

Medicine Hat

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mr black
mr black
6 years ago

You are right John, life is so much better when we can walk on cleared sidewalks throughout the City. However, the South East City is not afforded the same service. Oh we pay the same tax rate as everyone else, the City just states the pathways that runs behind Alexandra Middle School is just to treacherous for City employees to go near.

Seems they have to get out of their vehicles to make it so! Oh well, that being said it sort of goes with our poor electrical service in which we go up to 72 hours without any electricity each summer. Yup, those darn trees on City property are popping up everywhere, well actually falling everywhere.

So, once again we suffer the fate of poor planning, poor execution of City services. If only there was a crew that could trim these trees, say every five years or so … Oh well, it’s always nice to dream!