March 19th, 2025

Why not the remand centre?

By Letter to the Editor on February 13, 2019.

In my mind, safe consumption sites are an absolute necessity in today’s twisted world. More than 500 Albertans died from user-related deaths in 2017. Safe injection/consumption sites have saved many lives and the number of overdose reversals is impressive. However, it is understandable that people wouldn’t typically choose to have this facility in their neighbourhood, right or wrong, associated with potentially negatively affected property values and other related concerns.

The nominated downtown Medicine Hat consumption site location has recently sparked some related concerns. The consumption site people ‘in the know’ typically recommend sites that are the most appropriate to serve the local need. Accordingly, I support their experienced view that a downtown location is most suitable for Medicine Hat. Alternately, we could possibly consider free bus fare to transport users to other locations, well outside of the downtown area, like the Canalta Centre, (where it might finally become a valued asset)!

Not intended to be a joking matter but rather to point out that, at least from my perspective, there really are not many other feasible safe options. Transporting users elsewhere just doesn’t make sense, is costly, and not convenient and dangerous for those in potentially life saving need. Having accepted that a downtown location is ideal for Medicine Hat, (not unlike other cities), just wondering if the Remand Centre was ever seriously considered as a safe consumption site. If so, why was it rejected? I realize that no matter whatever site is chosen, there will always be some backlash.

Not many cities likely have a centrally located, provincially supported remand centre like we have in Medicine Hat. In my view, the remand centre offers more than just an ideal consumption site location but also a government funded building staffed by some qualified supervisory personnel. While drafting this letter, I read in the Ticked and Tickled comments that others have also questioned this. Other sites mentioned near downtown could be considered, like the police station, but I can understand why that may be an intimidating user option. My understanding is that the Alberta government has, or will, provide funding for six safe consumption sites (injecting/smoking/snorting) through partnerships with Alberta Health Services and community coalitions, which I definitely support. However, safe injection sites are not currently legal everywhere. Makes Medicine Hat, and other Alberta and Canadian locations, look like astute leaders in this regard which I am proud to support!

The Medicine Hat remand centre’s location, capable of housing just over a hundred inmates under supervision, does not appear to be a concern for residents or businesses in that area, and has been around since 1986. The proximity to the central downtown area is ideal in my view, and the facility is already staffed by provincially paid supervisory personnel, some possibly quite familiar with handling addiction situations based on the addiction awareness programs offered to inmates at the remand centre!

Gordon Briosi

Medicine Hat

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mr black
mr black
6 years ago

I agree with you Gordon a safe consumption site is an absolute necessity, but not the remand center. Oh the City cops would love it there. Come on in, sit a spell, however you are now under arrest and we are now going to ferret out some good ol’ conservative justice.

Oh ya, good ol’ Medicine Hat justice, I’m gonna guess about 89% of Hatters will cringe with the thought of having all those junkies shootin’ up in a “safe site” Those good ol’ boys (a.k.a. City cops) don’t want nobody shootin’ up in their town.

I’m guessing our police force is made up of about 90% good ol’ boys from Saskatchewan and there is no way in hell they want junkies in there adopted city. I think the proposed site downtown is perfect, oh sure those condo users will cry anytime someone walks within 100 yards of said site. In fact I’m gonna guess about 99% of them will cry and whine every time the words “safe site” are used.

P.S. I am not a drug user but I do live downtown. Onward fellow Hatters!