March 19th, 2025

More mistakes in Ottawa

By Letter to the Editor on February 8, 2019.

So our illustrious and gaudily-socked prime minister is playing chicken with the U.S. and China a federal department called Procurement Canada (PC) is to manage billion-dollar purchases that were handled ineptly as it seems by the original Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) bureaucracy.

It seems PC must have hired the same level of PWGSC ne’er-do-wells that screwed up Phoenix, helicopters, submarines and support ships, etc.

Albertans are seeing no rosy job future, Ottawa built obstacles to any construction, new taxes and benefits running out. Procurement Canada has managed to blow US$60 million to a heavy truck manufacturer Oshkosh that will not build one truck, due to a lost opportunity to profit. This is due to Procurement Canada signing a contract with Mack trucks (who is building trucks for us) then blowing the original cost by $130 million without Treasury approval and then fighting the contract for a year and then rolling over.

Oh yeah and the defense minister and the senior general of our military have stooped to blaming a lowly clerk for letting the corrupt incestuous insider privilege cat out of the bag.

Maybe they were all busy looking for extra sleeping bags and backpacks.

Ian Parkinson

Medicine Hat

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