March 19th, 2025

Trail snow clearing: Safety or budget issue?

By Letter to the Editor on February 4, 2019.

Now that we have some snow on the ground, it has prompted me to respond to the Jan. 3 article regarding the reasons for not clearing the trails. Why now has this become a safety issue, after many years of winter snow clearing? Equally frustrating is that this comes on the heels of the city announcing property tax increases. I see this as an example of paying yet more for less service. Is this truly a safety issue or a budgetary issue?

Who has complained? Other than the general reference of near misses and the dramatic statement “at the expense of putting our staff in danger,” just how many people were possibly injured or a dollar figure of damaged equipment or wrecked infrastructure? Will the same logic then apply in the summer when it comes to cutting the grass and maintaining our green space where there are inclines and other perceived hazards?

The article refers to the importance of people getting outdoors; I wholeheartedly agree. Trails and paths are a welcomed part of a healthy life style, in every season!

It may not be in the bylaw, but I believe there is an expectation from the tax paying public that this trail clearing service be maintained. Rather than dismissing the trail clearing solely as a safety issue and therefore without resolution, a more compelling argument should be made to rectify the problem with appropriate machinery and the necessary training.

Hopefully this issue will be adequately addressed and we will be able to “safely” continue enjoying using these trails during the winter.

P. Auger-Iannattone

Medicine Hat

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