March 19th, 2025

Food guide editorial ‘strained credulity’

By Letter to the Editor on January 31, 2019.

Re: “New food guide a steep in a healthier direction,” Jan. 28

When I first began reading Mo Cranker’s editorial regarding his views on the latest Canada Food Guide, I found myself inadvertently skipping forward to get to the punch line. However, I soon realized that the real purpose of his editorial must be to take some of the heat off certain political columnists and the nonsense that they have been contributing to the News.

I have heard people comment that reporters often write at a Grade 5 level in order to relate to a broader segment of their readership. In this case I believe that Mr. Cranker has strained the credulity of a much larger segment of the population

Dennis Vickery

Medicine Hat

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Maurice Shabatsky
Maurice Shabatsky
6 years ago

Dennis, don’t expect anything more than re-hashed press releases from the MH News.
Serious journalism died years ago.
Can’t p***s off those dwindling advertisers after all.
As Mo would say: ‘a good time was had by all”