March 19th, 2025

Hoping SCS will save lives

By Letter to the Editor on January 24, 2019.

We should all be happy that the good folks at HIV Community Link have chosen a site for the supervised consumption site (SCS). It must have been a hard decision and I am glad it has been made. Hopefully once open the SCS will save lives and get people back to happier lives.

I don’t quite get the fixation on needles. To me you just put up more boxes to put them in. And property values going down are something I can’t relate to at all because I don’t really own too much and human beings are more important. Life is too short and it goes by so quickly.

The real problem is stigma. Let us hope that there will be enough brave people to use the SCS so that people will stop dying alone from drug overdoses in Medicine Hat.

Diane MacNaughton

Medicine Hat

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Les Landry
Les Landry
6 years ago

I think the best location is in the new (detox) residential treatment center.
It is removed from most retail businesses and people can seek real counseling for help there. If the main goal of government is to help people, this location offers the best possible chance of that service.
I have always questioned why the treatment center location was never chosen.