March 19th, 2025


By Letter to the Editor on January 5, 2019.

I was disappointed, but not surprised, to read the words of our MP, Glen Motz, in the Dec. 21 News, where he said “The carbon tax is not going to change emissions … It hasn’t been proven to reduce emissions anywhere.”

Mr. Motz’s words show that he is uninformed. I will not repeat what Dennis Hoffman wrote in his Dec. 3, 2018 letter, but Mr. Motz should read that letter and check the sources cited by Mr. Hoffman.

This country had far too much policy-based evidence under the Harperites, when what was needed was evidence-based policy. It looks like Mr. Motz would give us the same failings of the Harperites.

Gregory R. Cote

Irvine, Alta.

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