March 12th, 2025

Council ward system needed in city

By Letter to the Editor on December 26, 2018.

The Dec. 18 News stories contained stories about a 4-per-cent property tax increases, the “Primrose” development decision and council voting to double base salaries are just three of many reasons that voters in Medicine Hat, who just happen to be the ratepayers, must demand this city finally convert to the “ward” system versus the current councillor at large election process.

The good citizens affected by the proposed development on Primrose Drive were not heeded by council and their wishes were ignored at Monday’s council meeting. The council still thinks citizens have bottomless pockets and vote to increase our property taxes and fees by more than what we can afford! Our wages and pensions are not keeping pace with the wild spending of city hall.

Under the ward system, the councillor responsible for the area around Primrose Drive would have his or her feet held to the fire by the residents instead of being able to vote as a block and not be held accountable.

Our city government continues to keep information away from voters until it is too late to mount any kind of opposition. Example, why were city taxpayers not timely informed of the planned vote to raise council salaries? Where is the proof of the claims it is the federal government’s fault? As a taxpayer, when the federal or the Alberta government raise my taxes or make changes to the tax rate, we don’t have the luxury of passing that increase on to anyone else.

The current council were obviously fully aware of the tax changes they purport to be the fault of another level of government so why should we as taxpayers have to pay council members’ income taxes? If they don’t like the level of income they receive from the citizens of Medicine Hat then get out of the kitchen.

Councils should never be permitted to vote themselves pay raises. Where is the benefit to taxpayers from the “bitcoin” company and the cannabis grow ops? Our city taxes and outrageous fees on utilities — the newest being a real tax grab in the Municipal Access Fee on utility rights of way that the citizens of this city own. We already pay outrageous fees on utilities that are more than double what the actual cost of the utility commodity is.

These issues should have been put before the voters during the municipal elections and/or in the form of a plebiscite or referendum. Let’s demand a change from councillors at larger to the “ward” system where individual councillors must run on issues that affect their constituents and therefore can be held accountable come election time.

I sincerely hope voters agree on changing how we elect council and remember the spend- crazy council currently at the public trough and vote each and every one of them out in the next municipal election.

Ron No‘l,

Medicine Hat

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