March 19th, 2025

Beyond the call of duty

By Letter to the Editor on December 26, 2018.

I went for a regular blood sample test later in the day; it tested very low. The lab technician called the cancer clinic who called the cancer doctor (not on duty). Since no one was able to contact me, a welfare check was initiated by the doctor to a Medicine Hat police officer who happened to have marched together with me on Remembrance Day in Taber years ago. This resulted in my family taking me to emergency where my low blood pressure was resolved over the next two days. Talk about individuals who went beyond the call of duty!

I would also like to take my hat off to John Hart, a dedicated and faithful son of a Devils Brigade NCO who served in the line of duty in Italy and France. He looked after me on Remembrance Day. I can only imagine how many survivors of this Brigade were given peace of mind on John’s dedication to facts and details as to how, why, and where these family members fell.

Another family I have great respect for is the Stewart family in Crescent Heights, who have always treated me and my family with respect. Mr. Stewart even got me a Vietnam Veterans Cap from one of his military buddies in Montana. I now wear that cap proudly and some people thank me for my duty and some people hate me.

Some time ago, a lady in a red coat paid for my groceries at Co-op ($60 or more). The clerk on duty became emotional as I did, and this has resulted in friendship. Then someone paid for my Tim Hortons order in a drive through. This is how some individuals in the Hat treat their fellow man.

So if you ever want to meet some caring and compassionate people and wonder where you should hang your hat for the future, pick Medicine Hat!

Albert H. Enns

Medicine Hat

(The writer is a Vietnam veteran, with three tours with the Marines)

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mr black
mr black
6 years ago

A touching story Albert, shows the kindness of fellow Hatters. Merry Christmas to you and your family but more important, thank you for your Service Albert.