March 19th, 2025

Gov’t should be embarrassed about army’s pistol situation

By Letter to the Editor on December 24, 2018.

While the mandarins and top brass in Ottawa are slithering around town in brand new bulletproof illegally tinted luxury Escalades with an assigned driver and a bodyguard, the Canadian Armed Forces shooting team shares five somewhat reliable pistols out of 20 74-year-old clunkers, which were used by their grandfathers in the Second World War.

It is obviously embarrassing to the government or else Justin Trudeau would be there having his picture taken with the team. I guess priorities depend on who decides the priority and holds the purse strings.

Trudeau estimates it will be 2026 before the army gets a new pistol. The British army resolved this same issue in less than 24 months and $15 million. Go figure: Canada Procurement wants $50 million for an unknown number and no movement in two years.


Ian Parkinson

Medicine Hat

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