March 6th, 2025

Council should rethink open/green space plans

By Letter to the Editor on December 20, 2018.

Proposed bylaws 4499 and 4502 are not in conformity to guiding vision for Municipal Development Plan (myMH), a 30-year plan to help make Medicine Hat stronger, greener, more vibrant and more connected. Surely governing officials must be aware of this plan.

Exactly how can the removal of green space make the community “greener?” And allowing higher density in a known flood plain (Riverside Neighbourhood Plan) makes no sense. Flood berms have little impact on water seeking its own level. This is to say taxpayers will be on the hook for sanitary and storm sewer damage due to backup resulting from future floods. This does not appear to be good government — unreasonable, irresponsible. This is a high-risk health and safety issue and individual council members could personally legally be held responsible for future damages.

Have council and planners conducted recent research into the benefits of open space/green space? If so, can they present current documents to support their inquiry? If not, why not? Why did previous councils establish open/green spaces? What exactly is current thinking by government planners and others on the economic and social value of green space? Given this is directly related to Medicine Hat Master Plan, the suggestion is made that council needs to rethink what it is they should be doing for the long term benefit of the community.

Bill R. Thompson

Medicine Hat

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