March 18th, 2025

On populism, history is the best teacher

By Letter to the Editor on November 21, 2018.

There has been a great deal of concern and conversation regarding the explosion of populist voting in the world. History shows this is not new; it has happened in the past with disastrous results. The recent surge has taken on a negative and worrying situation.

Populism raises its ugly head when the populace perceives the current government no longer works in the general interest of the people, they are mismanaging the economy or other affairs, or that the government is corrupt. Populists jump in and exploit the fears and uncertainty felt. The dissatisfaction is encouraged with promises, innuendo, accusations, half-truths and outright lies, knowing most people are too busy to check on the truth of their oratory. They are so glib that they make it sound exciting and authentic.

If the public were to take time and sound reasoning they would educate themselves to reality. The problem as I see it is most people don’t think rationally and clearly in these busy digital times. With so much information on social media a great many are deluded to thinking everything on social media is factual. History is the best teacher. We can learn only if we take the time and effort to study it with open, questioning eyes. Populism can only exist in ignorance or denial of truth.

That said there are many who put forth their names in earnest desire to serve the public to the best of their knowledge and ability. They are not swayed or blinded by smoke and mirrors or pie-in-the-sky promises and nor should we be.

Walter Korzyniowski

Medicine Hat

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