March 18th, 2025

Hypocrisy from federal politicians, bureaucrats

By Letter to the Editor on November 14, 2018.

The blatant hypocrisy of our Canadian politicians and top level bureaucrats usually referred to as “mandarins” is seeing the light of day.

The federal TV ads tell you they legalized cannabis because they could not control it, yet they are making guns illegal because they cannot control them.

Trudeau largely exempted Canada’s worst polluters from paying carbon taxes citing job loss but he expects small and medium business to take the hit. This glib government leader has already admitted, “Even if Canada stopped everything tomorrow, it wouldn’t make a big difference.”

This group is also taking carbon tax money from businesses and then giving out rebates, if that was anyone else it would be known as money laundering.

These same mandarins with their multi-thousand-dollar bonuses still cannot pay their front line staff (Phoenix) who have to take the brunt of Canadian taxpayer frustration.

The ministers cannot ensure the proper execution of updates to veterans payments which would never have come to light were it not for the Ombudsman Office, even the Conservatives hands are not clean here either, it happened on their watch.

These same politicians and mandarins did away with the death penalty yet tolerate the murders of hundreds of unborn babies and seniors everyday.

Keep this in mind when they show up next year with their hand out looking for money and votes

Ian Parkinson

Medicine Hat

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6 years ago

All our leaders want is to line thier pockets with our taxes, and they will minipulate and lie to anyone to get what THEY want, not what is good for the people but, what they want.

Our Political leaders and our economic structure is failing and they hide this fact and will not recognize it as they would be putting a bullet in there own affairs.

Me: I am the person that threatened our prime minister, why: I have such extreme pain that I can’t function or work, and I can’t get answer so I can deal with it, so I asked our leaders and the agencies to help and one by one I was REFUSED HELP.

I still suffer in pain with out answer and with out help I can no ;longer work and I have no financial support to function and live. TO THIS DAY I suffer in pain without answer. and without help. I would rather die than go through the things I face daily, but I can not take my own life.

So thank you to all those that have help keep me suffering thank you for the torture.