March 18th, 2025

Column on vaccines ‘irresponsible drivel’

By Letter to the Editor on November 1, 2018.

Re: “What you may not know about vaccines,” Oct. 29

I simply cannot imagine how anyone could claim to be source of “news” and then print the irresponsible drivel doled out by Ken Walker, hiding behind the name Gifford Jones.

Walker’s uninformed views would disqualify him from offering expert testimony on vaccines. He is not current or chooses to ignore settled science and parade his ignorance. Remove the word “Doctor” please; what you have is one old man trying to earn a few bucks by stirring up controversy.

He doles out his stupid views on vaccine and you really should be ashamed for printing that column.

What is next, are you going to claim there are good people on both sides of the vaccine debate? Really poor journalism.

David Latimer

Medicine Hat

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6 years ago

I am so thankful that someone else has commented on this. The article was filled with nothing but personal bias and was based off of that instead of actual information. This completely dangerous act of spreading false information is horrible and not only is it the fault of this “doctor” but the people who allowed it to be published should be ashamed and think hard about what they decide to publish outside of the opinion section (or preferably at all). Next time perhaps talk with a “doctor” who can actually site and source information?