March 18th, 2025

Creating life? Credit should go to a higher power

By Letter to the Editor on October 23, 2018.

Re: “Ontario lab testing origins of life theory,” Oct. 9:

I really enjoyed this story about 21st century Alchemy. About 700 years ago, scientists were trying to turn base metals into gold. Some spent a lifetime doing this. At the same time, scientists thought the sun was the centre of the galaxy and mice came from dirty underwear. Truly amazing!

Science is, after all, only an orderly arrangement of what seems at the time to be facts. Louis Pasteur proved experimentally 100 years ago that non-life cannot produce life, that each organism requires parents and that the offspring is always like the parents.

Sir Fred Hoyle vividly illustrates the probability of spontaneous generation like this “supposing the first cell originated by chance” is like believing a tornado could sweep through a junkyard filled with airplane parts and form a Boeing 747!

Professor Harold Morowitz says that “the probability for the chance formation simplest form of organism is 1 to 10 to the 340,000,000th power. The size of this figure is truly staggering, which means it has never happened and will never happen.

There are a lot more scientists saying similar things. People who try to create life can’t bring themselves to see that there is a higher power, more intelligent by far than they are.

This kind of “research” is a total waste of money and time.

Slim Metz

Medicine Hat

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