March 18th, 2025

Education and religion should be separated

By Letter to the Editor on September 19, 2018.

Re: “Catholic board chair says bishop should be consulted ahead of any vaccination decisions,” Sept. 12

Who agrees with Peter Grad that the Catholic school board consult with their bishop before implementing any changes to its vaccination program, a program change advised by the medical experts of this province?

I mean does the bishop have even a first aid ticket? Is he going to refer to the pope, or the book written hundreds of years ago. How ridiculous.

If the bishop has the power to make a decision on this essential medical procedure then I have another reason why their should be no religious separate schools. Like politics and religion there must be separation between education and religion. If not, then consider: With this power, what those other religious separate school boards will consider their business and their right!

Dale Lintott

Medicine Hat

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6 years ago

Agree, the church has no business in this and the Catholic school board should be more concerned that they belong to a system that protects pedophiles. There should only be one school board to save costs and religion taught at home or place of worship.