March 18th, 2025

What message are we sending our youth?

By Letter to the Editor on September 17, 2018.

I am writing to convey my concerns about the proposed supervised consumption site for Medicine Hat. My understanding of what I will refer to as ‘the injection site’ is that it is coming to Medicine Hat as a health initiative mandated by the federal and provincial governments. I am concerned specifically about how this site may impact children and young people. What message are we sending the next generation?

As parents and teachers, we explain to our children that drugs are dangerous and habit-forming, and that they should “just say no.”


* As government, we use health-care dollars to build and maintain a space where people addicted to drugs are invited to consume drugs, under supervision.

Message received: If you are supervised, taking drugs is OK.

* As law enforcement, we allow drug buying and selling within a radius of the injection site, to permit clients to purchase them without fear of being charged.

Message received: Selling drugs can be safe and profitable. (eg. four block radius established by the City of Vancouver: )

* As health-care providers, we (sometimes) test the drugs coming into the injection site to determine their composition.

Message received: Taking drugs is OK as long as you know what it is.

If we have failed to educate our kids about drugs, that is one thing.

It is quite another thing if we are confusing kids with mixed messages. That is not “harm reduction.” That is a moral and legal tarpit.

Government leaders are faced with a lot of noise on this issue.

In the middle of it all, as they consider questions of zoning, policing, funding, liability, etc., please remember this:

There are children and young people who are drug-free.

In the context of government-imposed injection sites, what is our governments’ plan to keep them that way?

Joyce Stigter

Medicine Hat

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mr black
mr black
6 years ago

You’re right Joyce, lets just continue to sweep this under the carpet and pretend it doesn’t exists. If you care to open your eyes (just a little) and look at countries in Europe and how they treat drugs, as a “health issue” Once it is not dealt as a crime, as it is here, drug usage actually has dropped.

As a health initiative, safe injection sites treat the root cause of drug use as well and therefore reduce it. It is short sighted people who continue on with blinders only viewing what they want, your agenda and the laws for that matter have failed miserably since Ronald Reagan started the war on drugs.

Give these safe injections site a chance and properly maintained we will see a reduction in usage .