March 18th, 2025

What is really best for addicts?

By Letter to the Editor on September 6, 2018.

Re: “Injection stes column offers ‘ignorant views on drug debate,” Aug. 13

I was greatly amused by the so-called addictions counsellor from Kelowna spouting off about how ignorant the educated can be. Why? Because an addictions counsellor would know the truth and understand that addiction kills. What is addiction? It is the violent killing of hope.

Using illicit drugs on an ongoing basis affects the brain, the heart and other organs. Fentanyl will create such shallow breathing that organs begin to deteriorate from the first use. Some drugs eat calcium in your body, some put holes in your brain. When you bring users back from highly addictive drugs, what exactly are you bringing back? These poor people will never be the same. Imagine someone losing hope and running away from a life they can no longer face only to be offered a more suitable drug usage site.

The only care users have is getting the next hit. They don’t care about a needle in a designated space. Does society really think people just walk in, use the needle and walk away feeling great, carrying on like everyone else? That’s not what it is at all. The user becomes a bother to society because the thinking process is marred, making them unstable. They steal to get money because most addicts can’t hold down a job. It creates family breakdowns because of the lack of trust and increasing behavioural issues. The addict feels alienated and might commit suicide. So how do supervised consumption sites help anything? I certainly hope those who promote providing more needles are the ones cleaning them up now from back alleys and restaurant bathrooms.

Greedy traffickers are now hanging around injection sites making money and not giving a fig for their victims. It might be wiser to offer a $3,000 reward for each name and location of a trafficker. Get them off the street, dry up the source and then this city can seriously talk about what’s best for addicts.

Gail Palmer

Medicine Hat

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mr black
mr black
6 years ago

I can not imagine anyone more ignorant then you Gail. Thank goodness it is only your opinion, as soured as it is. Could you imagine the trouble society would be in if Gail made policy?

Do us all a favor and try to educate yourself in this area before spewing acidic words. People like you are so wrapped up in your conservative lives to really see what is happening. You are far worse then any trafficker, you need help!

6 years ago

very emotive subject, however Mr. Black to say that Gail is far worse than any trafficker for making some valid points is quite frankly the most ridiculous comment you could have made. I read a lot of your opinions, and you make them very strongly, sometimes to the point where it is a waste of time to even try to discuss an issue with you.