March 17th, 2025

Notley, Trudeau throttling our energy sector

By Letter to the Editor on September 5, 2018.

Tax increase, suffocating regulations and veto powers granted by courts to aboriginal and environmental groups make it extremely difficult for Alberta to return to a competitive business environment. Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau have throttled the energy sector, the engine of the Canadian economy by regulating it to death.

The latest example is the Trans Mountain pipeline “Expansion” (one pipeline laid beside an existing pipeline) stopped by a court decision after five years of trying to comply with government regulations and consulting with B.C. Indigenous groups. Trudeau killed the Northern Gateway and Energy East pipelines by expanding regulation to pander to Montreal and Quebec politicians.

Fortunately, for us Albertans own our resources, and we can elect a government that will be encourage investment by lowering taxes and deregulating and open this province up to business again.

Ron Hierath


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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
6 years ago

Well Ron do you hear any oil executives whining about how Notley and Trudeau are throttling our energy sector when they are doing their very best to help them open up new markets for their oil? The oilmen I talk to have nothing but praise for them and certainly support what they are trying to do. They have already accomplished a lot more in three years than Harper ever did in nine.

Why would you support a party that is promising that they will continue to give away our oil wealth to their rich foreign investor friends, while they force us into a lot more privatization like Jason Kenney is promising to do? Doctors will tell you their privatized health care scheme is just another way to help their rich friends, why wouldn’t it be?

Have you enjoyed paying the highest property taxes in Canada, the highest power bills, still second highest, high grocery bills all thanks to privatization and deregulation while you watch friends of the government become a lot richer at your expense?