March 17th, 2025

Non-sensical tirade on safe consumption sites

By Letter to the Editor on September 1, 2018.

Re: “Injection sites column offers ‘ignorant view’ on drug debate,” Aug. 13

Anyone who wanted a good laugh should have read the non-sensical tirade by that clown from Kelowna about safe consumption sites.

According to him those who oppose “safe” injection sites are the same kind of “uneducated, hateful, self-righteous bigots” who approved Brexit in the U.K. and several other questionable political situations, while rejecting global warming and some human rights.

Quite an agenda! Maybe this guy should stick to commenting on things he actually knows.

If he ever loses his job as an addictions counsellor, he could become a comedian.

Charmaine Wood

Irvine, Alta.

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