March 17th, 2025

Companies producing fossil fuels should pay 100 per cent

By Letter to the Editor on August 31, 2018.

Re: “If Tories want to lead on climate change, they must embrace a price on carbon,” Aug. 27.

Carol Lavallee has written an excellent commentary regarding worldwide climate change.

I’d like to add that it ought to be the companies producing fossil fuels that pay the highest percentage — 100 per cent — on each tonne of CO2 now, rather than waiting till 2030. Stating a timeline only leaves room for loopholes that governments in Canada seem to love.

Anyone living below the poverty line should not be contributing to any carbon tax nor should any amount of carbon taxes be put into general revenue. There needs to be a separate account for carbon tax where all revenue is used exclusively for the development of alternative energy. This will allow for transparency where anyone eligible to vote has the opportunity to view what money is spent where and by who it is approved.

Anne S. Morris

Medicine Hat

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6 years ago

A bit hypocritical to say the producer should pay 100% while you use it everyday!