March 6th, 2025

We are our own worst enemy

By Letter to the Editor on August 22, 2018.

We have engineered our march toward collective suicide since global warming was first identified in 1896 by the Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius.

Most of the world sits on its tushie and doesn’t demand governments take charge now and make drastic changes to turn things around now, and then expects more increased harsh weather and with greater outcomes. In Alberta we can expect another do-nothing government will remove the carbon tax and then we can say farewell to Planet Earth.

Thousands and thousands of scientists world wide have and continue to warn us about where civilization is heading but we sit and do nothing. At this moment we are our own worst enemy.

Anne S. Morris

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
6 years ago

You have hit the nail on the head Anne. For years we heard our hero Peter Lougheed urge the Klein and Stelmch governments to slow down growth of the oilsands and get control of the pollution, they refused to listen. While Lougheed was saying it our oilmen friends in Edmonton were telling that if we don’t our children will be facing massive lawsuits from the pollution drifting into Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Now we have some of our ignorant senior friends jumping on board the Jason Kenney bandwagon believing every lie he tells them. He has them convinced the Carbon Tax will financially destroy and while they whine about it, like he wants them to do, they pocket their carbon Tax rebates and don’t say a word about them, but ignore all; the fees their hero Ralph Klein added to their bills with deregulation. Two of my recent bills had the carbon Tax at $10.08, while the Klein generated fees were $131.58 and we received $112. in the form of a Carbon Tax Rebate. So how is it going to financially destroy us?

The fact is it won’t and is actually helping some less fortunate people on a small scale, and of course Kenney wants you to believe that it was created by Trudeau and Notley to steal your money, when it’s been in place in Sweden since 1991 and B.C. since 2008 as studies show.

If you don’t believe me pull up and read “When it comes to edmissions, Sweden can have it’s cake and eats it too”, Or the one put out by the Simone Fraser University ” The Shocking Truth About B.C.’s Carbon Tax, It works”. So while Kenney and his ignorant followers don’t want to try to do anything about our pollution they are in fact going to make it a lot harder on our grandchildren down the road. My B.C. relatives, in their late 70s have never , ever seen it this dry. .