March 18th, 2025

B.C. needs your sympathy

By Letter to the Editor on August 22, 2018.

Can you imagine the uproar if Alberta was polluting British Columbia air to the extent that B.C. smoke is polluting all of Alberta! This isn’t a maybe in the next 100 years; this is happening now.

Enlarge your thinking to include the area polluted in all of Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Northern Ontario. The left-wing kooky environmentalists and paid protesters would go ballistic. The Mayor of Vancouver would demand cessation of all air currents from all of Alberta.

The B.C. NDP provincial government would file a lawsuit. The Indigenous protesters would set up and occupy slum campsites along the entire provincial boundary and claim Alberta is destroying their ancestral air, ruining the health of humans, birds and all living creatures. 7The protesters would demand every tree in Alberta be cut down immediately so this could never, ever, ever, ever happen again.

Some paid protesters would even hang down on ropes from the highest tree branches just to get attention and stroke their egos.

And of course, the media would give the protesters twenty four hour coverage to fan the flames of protest.

Yup, you gotta love this so called Confederation!

John MacLaren

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
6 years ago

So John explain to us why it’s okay that Alberta has been polluting the air and water in Saskatchewan and Manitoba for years with our pollution as oilmen have been telling us? Why did Klein and Stelmach ignore Lougheed when he urged them to slow down the growth of the oilsands and get control of our pollution?

This is what happens when you ignore what scientists have been saying for years, isn’t it? What is so disturbing about these B. C fires is my relatives are loosing a lot of their lumber industry, how will that effect them and don’t forget what happened to Fort McMurray, some of us are still thankful that fire hadn’t gotten into the refineries, storage units, or tailing ponds, or we would still be on fire.

Les Landry
Les Landry
6 years ago

I knew I should’ve read this first thing in the morning. I can only pray it will be the childish and most insulting thing I will read today and hopefully for some time.
I will not read past “ancestral” air… That is the racial tone where I draw my line of racism.
There are people that lost all they own, their homes, livelihood, memories and even family pets. Many are people now struggling with the trauma and fear of what not knowing what tomorrow will bring.
I will offer an apology to all people from BC, for this insult written by a selfish Albertan that does not appreciate the firefighters you sent to help us with the Fort McMurray disaster.
And once again to all people from BC I want to extend my most heartfelt “thank you” for your help in 2016.
Please accept my and many more Albertan’s apologies for John MacLaren’s very short and selfish memory.
I am sorry…
“On Sunday, about 80 additional firefighters are expected to arrive in Alberta from B.C. to help battle the blaze, joining the more than 2,200 firefighters already fighting wildfires across the province.” – Phil Heidenreich, Online journalist, Global News. May 28, 2016.

6 years ago

The truth sucks for some!

Les Landry
Les Landry
6 years ago
Reply to  rhawk

rhawk… Yes, like BC helping us with Fort Mac…

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
6 years ago

Apparently Jason Kenney and his supporters haven’t bothered to talk to any of our oilmen,or read the following:

“Alberta on track to have worst air quality in Canada” This has nothing to do with smoke from B.C. also “Oil Sands development polluting Alberta lakes: Study” Oilmen tell us a study done in 2006 proved we are polluting water and soil in Sask. and Manitobe, and why wouldn’t we?

So when the NDP with the support from our oil industry tries to do something about it Jason Kenney insults them with his idiotic comments about cancelling the Carbon Tax.

Wasn’t Les Landry the one who was so keen on electing Kenney, believing every lie he fed him, good luck Les I can’t find anyone who intends on helping you?

Les Landry
Les Landry
6 years ago

Fedup Conservative, please point to one time where I have supported Kenney or even voted for him.
Please explain to the world how I voted for Kenney when I’ve never had a PC membership and I certainly do not nor have I ever had a UCP membership. Can you explain how you came to the idea how I ‘voted’ for him?
Before you name me in anything related to the UCP or Jason Kenney, please get your facts straight.
Just because I have lost faith in the NDP does not mean I climbed onto the 1950’s bandwagon of Jason Kenney.
If you are going to try and insult me with your uninformed garbage, sign your name to it.

mr black
mr black
6 years ago

Fellas, fellas, fellas, no need to get into such an uproar! Mr MacLaren is right on the money. He isn’t taking aim at any of the first responders that go at the drop of a hat to help out where help is needed. Mr MacLaren is taking a shot at those folks in British Columbia that believe the (their) economy runs on fresh air and fairy tales.

You all know the type, oh look they say, Alberta has been the backbone of Canada since forever but they’re gonna put one of those nasty pipelines in the ground. Those good folks in BC (not the 1st responder types) have cars that run on good intentions and they heat their homes on pixie dust. So none of those folks contribute to global warming cause they’re to busy protesting.

I can pick out each person here that use to live in BC but came to Alberta to steal our jobs! Mr MacLaren is totally right, had those fires been here and blown the other way, Alberta would be fighting oh so much more than fires.