March 18th, 2025

Who, exactly, is inciting hatred?

By Letter to the Editor on August 18, 2018.

Re: “Demonstrators outside courthouse greet man accused of inciting hate,” Aug. 11

Apparently Mr. Hulgaard is a very bad man. He is accused of inciting hatred. Outside the courtroom, I see Mr. Hulgaard standing before the public, showing his face, and identifying himself. He states, “I have no hate for anyone.” Outside the courtroom I also see a mob of protesters who do not want to identify themselves, who keep their faces covered, and then shout at him, “We are all one! We don’t need hate!” I look at all this and can’t help but wonder who is hiding what? And why? And where is all this coming from?

In our politically correct nation run by our politically correct PM, I am starting to see a pattern develop within Canadian society — hypocrisy. Political correctness is developing a kind of “soft terrorism”— a subtle, outside pressure applied to the inner belief system of your conscience, which produces a fear to speak your mind and being branded phobic or a bigot. I define political correctness by the very words used: It is when we allow politics to define what is correct, and along with this follows what isn’t correct and needs to be punished.

I am not saying Mr. Hulgaard is either innocent or guilty; this is not relevant. The issue here is hate and love — with love covering a multitude of wrongdoing. Hatefully yelling at someone, “We are all one! We don’t need hate!” is not love. This is hypocritical love — hatred disguised and painted over and white-washed with “love.”

These hypocritical lovers of everything are not acting in love. They draw the first line of defence at the legal system (note the pre-ordained political correctness of line drawing). Then their statements, “But we would like to put out a call to action in our community É We are asking people to publicly call out this type of activity É We are not asking people to put themselves in harm’s way É Hate crimes in the Hat must be opposed É I am complicit if I am not fighting against hatred.”

I don’t know about you, but these words sound a lot like inciting hatred, not love, the very thing Mr. Hulgaard is being accused of.

Bruce Hubbard

Medicine Hat

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