March 17th, 2025

Just the facts: Never stood as a candidate for the Wildrose party

By Letter to the Editor on August 18, 2018.

Re: “Only one stepped up to apply for the nomination,” Aug. 15

My letters in the News are fair game for criticism. If my political history and involvement are included, it is hoped that they are at least factual.

I never was a nominee for any candidate nomination in the Wildrose Party. When a few people including myself were quoted in the News about the haphazard candidate selection process in southeastern Alberta at that time, a hack from head office came to Medicine Hat to tell us not to be further involved in the Wildrose Party.

Apparently we didn’t meet the standard set by the inept leader Danielle Smith.

It is quite a stretch to conclude that any favourable comments about Bob Wanner automatically mean NDP support. He has accredited himself as Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. The party may have other people to carry the NDP banner, but do they measure up to Bob Wanner? I guess the members of that party will decide, which does not include me.

The days have passed to be a member of any political party, both provincially and federally.

Larry Samcoe

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
6 years ago

When lawyer Marilyn Burns asked me to run as leader of the Wildrose Party in the 2004 election I declined, then watched as they went from wanting to put a stop to what Klein was doing to us to wanting to carry on where he had left off destroying this province.

Now while Kenney and his supporters hurl their sarcastic comments at us and the NDP government we elected they are in fact insulting a lot of true Alberta conservatives. Even Klein’s own daughter Angie urged Albertans to vote for the NDP, she knew what was happening to us.

The big question in my circle of senior conservative friends is “I wonder what group of true Alberta conservatives will Liberal Jason Kenney insult next”.

So far it’s been conservative voters, farmers and ranchers, gay community, and rural Albertans. Apparently rural Albertans don’t deserve to have additional government funds provided to help them fight crime in their areas. They should arm themselves and shoot it out Donald Trump style.