March 17th, 2025

Column was ‘hot mess of socialist reasoning’

By Letter to the Editor on August 9, 2018.

Re: Peter Mueller column Aug. 4.

It’s challenging to digest Peter Mueller’s hot mess of socialist reasoning in his recent editorial. Generally he’d like us to believe Jason Kenney is frazzled, the UCP is on the verge of collapse and Rachel Notley is both a hero and financial wizard.

Specifically Peter tells us Jason Kenney is busy weeding out bad candidates; thankfully Mr. Kenney cleans house better then Rachel Notley.

Perhaps Peter can recall Jason Soklofske, the NDP Medicine Hat candidate in the 2015 election who Notley ejected after he was in a fist fight while door knocking. That’s NDP politics at its finest. Rachel appointed floor crosser Sandra Jansen to Minister of Infrastructure. Jansen is a former cabinet minister from the same government that Peter labels with “fiscal mismanagement.” Is she doing a far superior job now that she is NDP? These are just a few examples of Rachel’s expert selection of NDP candidates. There are many more.

Peter heaps praise on the financial brilliance of Rachel: “Slowly and carefully guided Alberta,” “brave and unwavering.” Alberta’s debt is scheduled to hit $71.1 billion by 2019-20. Our credit rating is the lowest in decades, Hatters paid up to 190 per cent carbon tax on their natural gas this spring.

Peter, how does Rachel do it? We are so lucky she is in charge!

Mike Somerville

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
6 years ago

Thanks Mike for a good laugh. Aren’t you the guy who pretends he is such a great conservative while you support Liberals and believe every lie they tell you? Or haven’t you learned that Jason Kenney is just another Liberal, masquerading as a conservative , promising to make a further mess of this province by bringing back Ralph Klein’s destructive Reform Party policies. I guess you aren’t paying high enough property taxes, your grocery bills aren’t high enough, your power bills aren’t high enough, or as Kenney is promising he will give you privatized health care, which you oblivious support.

So while you make a fool of yourself don’t expect any of us true conservatives to help you we know what your Liberal friend Ralph Klein did to us. Why do you think so many true conservatives elected the NDP?