March 17th, 2025

Setting it straight on Trudeau’s comment

By Letter to the Editor on July 26, 2018.

A correction needs to be recognized regarding a quote in John Stanley’s thunder of July 23 (“Where does Jason Kenney stand?”)

Indeed, freedom of speech is most important in any democracy and asking intelligent questions of any in-house government or want-to-be official is necessary in forming good judgment. It is equally important that journalists do their job which is asking those questions most government leaders don’t want to hear.

However let’s do tell the truth! Justin Trudeau said during his Winnipeg visit, “No religious group is going to be barred from Canada’s Summer Jobs on the basis of their beliefs. Period. However, there are specific groups who are dedicated to fighting abortion rights for women and inclusion of LGBT communities and that is wrong.”

When did PM Trudeau say “Christians are ‘the worst part of Canadian Society’?” Our Charter of Rights and Freedoms states “freedom of speech as most important” and it is to this document we Canadians live by. Anyone who says different is pushing a political agenda. Perhaps we as Canadians ought to demand a change or addition to our Charter with a clear stipulation of the “separation of religion and country” as France or, better still. Quebecois live by. That way, hypothetical “what-if” scenarios as to which religion is correct would not enter into decisions as how people conduct their private lives.

Organized religion by men has always been keen on the “Great Fight.” While Siddhartha Gautama the “Buddha,” the awakened one, did not profess to be a God, neither did Jesus Christ. He referred to God as his “Father” the “Creator,” as having the power over the universe and “nature.” Therefore, the stirring of religion being brought to the anterior just before an election, seems to be a dire attempt to rally the masses.

Anne S. Morris

Medicine Hat

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5 years ago

“Perhaps we as Canadians ought to demand a change or addition to our Charter with a clear stipulation of the “separation of religion and country”

Actually, it is named the Dominion of Canada, taken from the Bible, DOMINION.

Don’t like our Canadian Charter from the beginning of the country .. ?

See the door .. ?