March 17th, 2025

Kenney doing whatever it takes to win

By Letter to the Editor on July 25, 2018.

Re: “Where does Jason Kenney stand?”, July 23

To answer John Stanley’s question, Jason Kenney stands on the side of winning the next Alberta provincial election. That’s it and that’s all. Winning is the only goal, the be-all and the end-all. He has clearly and honestly stated as much in direct quotes in the Medicine Hat News and all other media local, provincial and federal. I think Kenney’s finger is perpetually in the air to sense the way the Alberta political wind blows. Big-C and small-C conservative ideals will be sacrificed to political expediency. Kenney’s only real agenda is to gain power. He was bathed-in-Ottawa’s scalding federal cauldron and has emerged tough, hard, seasoned and stripped bare of any naivete that politics is anything but blood sport and power is really all that matters.

Kenney and the United Conservative Party (UCP) of Alberta brass saw the Todd Beasley Facebook posts, hummed and hawed long and hard not about the correctness of Beasley’s opinions, but the effect those very public opinions would have on the chances of Kenney and the UCP winning the next provincial election. Similar to the effect of the “lake of fire” about homosexuality from one Wildrose Party of Alberta candidates in a previous Alberta election, Beasley’s opinions were judged a too- hot potato and thus Beasley was turfed as a candidate.

Contrary to Stanley’s point, Kenney and company hoped to defuse the “ticking time bomb” when they made Beasley walk the figurative plank of the good ship UCP rather than risk Beasley as a loose cannon rolling around the ship’s deck causing casualties — which could even sink the ship — before the next provincial vote.

The supposed holy man spouting hatred and death to Christians in the Middle East is a crazed zealot who represents neither true Islam nor true Muslims. We’ve also had supposed holy men shouting death to Muslims and they don’t represent true Christianity or the teachings of Jesus. Beasley reacted with invective not just to one kooky so-called holy man, but to Islam and Muslims. If Beasley had asked himself “what would Jesus do?” would he have responded the same? Two wrongs do not make a right even when what someone says makes you angry.

Stanley lost me when he said,”Émore importantly the future of Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Government of Canada.” This appears to be a provincial hub-bub, not a federal one, but perhaps like a virus Stanley believes a putrid Alberta provincial stink will drift east to affect and infect Ottawa.

Jason Kenney realizes he and the UCP riding his coat tails must win the next Alberta provincial election or all this right-wing reconciliation work will have been for naught. Kenney is trying to keep intact a party prone to fracture along many fault lines before the next provincial election. Herding cats would be easier than keeping Alberta conservatives from losing again by shooting themselves in the mouth. Kenney is a realist, a hard-baked power broker, a wily veteran of political wars and he will do and say and cut and carve whatever and whoever stands in the way of his goal to win!

Ray Marco

Dunmore, Alta.

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
6 years ago

Ray is right Kenney will say anything or do anything to get elected. Of course he has the support of many of our fellow seniors who will support anyone who attaches the word conservative to their name and not care that he is, like Klein was, another former Liberal who knew it would be hard to get elected in western Canada as a Liberal is now pretending to be a Conservative. These seniors don’t care that what he is promising will make their lives even worse, all he had to do is convince them the Carbon Tax will bankrupt them and he’s done that. but then con-artists usually target seniors and that’s what he is doing, as those that have been to some of his gatherings are saying. Ignorant seniors allowing themselves to be treated like morons, nothing has changed since the Klein days..