March 17th, 2025

Handouts creating another problem

By Letter to the Editor on July 4, 2018.

It’s been three or so years since our city boasted to the world that we had solved the ever-present problem of homelessness. Quite an achievement considering nearly all cities on the planet struggle with this. It was quite a claim then and it still is now. Although I highly doubt anyone who has lived here more than three years can say they believe that or that they see an improvement. What I and many others have seen is an increase in the amount of people “hanging out” around the city centre. Sadly the new norm is grown men with no shirts riding on stolen childrens bicycles, vandalism, needles and people overdosing.

I feel bad for those in government and private business attempting to revitalize downtown, the new facelift to streets and businesses looks great. But it’s tough to convince people to enjoy it with all these new residents touring around all day.

Talk to some of these people downtown. The word is out on Medicine Hat. Free housing for everyone. You do”t even have to work!

So it appears our handouts are creating another problem. That being said, I believe social housing programs are important. But we must have strong parameters on who uses them. Let us help the single parent working full time and who is struggling. Let us help the new Canadian working three jobs. Let us protect those from family violence. But let us get realistic about who and what “free everything to anyone” attracts.

John Everett

Medicine Hat

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