March 17th, 2025

Heartwarming citizen assistance following crash

By Letter to the Editor on June 15, 2018.

A couple of weeks ago we were at Windmill Garden Centre to choose some bedding plants for our yard. While we were inside, our vehicle, which was parked on the street right in front along First Street S.W. was hit by someone who was heading in the opposite direction and crossed the centre line, hitting our vehicle head on and doing considerable damage.

We were still inside the garden centre when we were told about it and realized from the licence plate number that it was our vehicle. When we got outside it was obvious our vehicle had been moved by almost two car lengths and was very badly damaged. The driver of the other vehicle had kept driving and left the scene of the accident.

There were quite a few very helpful people standing near our vehicle who proceeded to tell us what happened. We were both in a state of shock and may have seemed a bit stunned. A number of people had already called the police, including the staff from Windmill and many people proceeded to tell us what happened and offered to tell their story.

We would like to thank everyone who helped us in any way that day. In particular we would like to thank the couple who jumped in their vehicle and proceeded to try to catch up to the “hit and run” driver. They managed to get some numbers from the licence plate which helped the police find the owner of the vehicle.

Special thanks also to those who volunteered information to the police and others who offered to help us in any way they could, through helping clean up the debris on the street or offering to give us a ride.

Thanks to the staff at the garden centre. Thanks also to Const. Risling from MHPS and the Medicine Hat firefighters who cleaned up the street. We very much appreciate everyone’s assistance.

Mike and Nancy Hertz

Medicine Hat

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